Thursday, June 24, 2010

America is truly unique

Well let me start of my first blog by declaring my love to the USA! There are many things in this country that doesn't seem right, for instance: how long it took the destitute and orphan adults to get basic health care, nepotism in the business world and etc... But we as Americans fail to recognize our cherished values and other tangible assets we take for granted but are deprived to the majority of humans around the world.
The fact that freedom is actually an idea that Americans talk about and promote is a novel invention and the greatest gifts to progression of human civilization. Teenagers and adults have the right to choose their own sexual partners... something in the nonsecular country would be blasphemous.
Although I am a bleeding heart liberal, I understand and support the republican philosophy of gaining social status by working hard. If I am the president of the United States, I would mandate everyone to study math at least until three dimensional calculus and would require everyone to know software engineering. This way I believe we can rid the society of brain numbing jobs and evolve our workforces faster. I am very optimistic about the future, I think technology would solve mankind's problems, a concept that everyone disagrees whom I talk to so far. You know, I am not surprised, as a matter of fact having such descent is quite natural because no one can even imagine such scenarios until such disruptive lifestyles invade civilization. Not too long ago humans thought that the Earth was flat until Galileo challenged that notion, then people thought that three laws of motion perpetuated by Newton were the fundamental facts of nature until the theory of relativity were discovered by Einstein. So using these analogies, present day imagination cannot phantom a world where AI changes our lives so dramatically that we start on a new stage of evolution.
Working back towards my thesis as to why America is great, I am going to take the example of the BP oil spill disaster and compare it with other calamities in third world countries. Without a question, this disaster is tragic in terms of human lives lost, effects to the environment and the broader economy. But the relentless reports in every media has spurred up dinner table conversation about this very topic in every informed households. Doing so, has intensified pressure on BP and the government to try to stop the spill and mitigate it's impact. In this country, there is a plan to STOP THE SPILL, create a floor compensation of $20 billion for affected victims and also scrutinize every little detail. Whereas, in Niger delta, more oil has been spilled into the waters and no one really gave it as much hype. As a matter of fact, oil is still spilling today and the multinational companies simply shit responsibility to the bandits for stealing piping equipments. India experienced the world's worst industrial catastrophe when methyl isocyanate gas leaked, killed over 2000 people and left nearly half a million people exposed to toxins and poisonous water in Bhopal. The company that was responsible, Union Carbide Corporation (UCC), which is now a subsidiary of Dow Chemical Company walked away by measly compensating less than half a billion dollars to its victims. In addition, there was much evidence of gross negligence and safety violations by the company, but the supreme court of India sided with the culprits and reduced sentences for the company executives similar to that of reckless drivers!